Your credit score is one of the most critical factors when buying a home. Think of it as your financial resume—summarizing how well you manage debt and repay loans. This small yet mighty number, ranging from 300 to 850, gives lenders a snapshot of y
Jan 14, 2025 | Credit Purchasing a Home
In the intricate landscape of personal finance, discerning the optimal borrowing strategy can be like to navigating through a maze of options. Home equity loans and lines of credit emerge as two prominent pathways for homeowners intent on leveraging their
Aug 29, 2024 | Credit
Getting a home mortgage loan typically means a lender will run a check of your credit. It is much easier to get a mortgage if you have a great credit score; and you'll get a better deal as well. But what if you don’t have a credit score? Is it still possi
Aug 04, 2021 | Credit
As the U.S. economy reels from record-high unemployment and continued COVID-19 shutdowns, the Fair Isaac Corp. (FICO), a global analytics company and producer of the FICO credit score, released a new credit index recently it hopes will keep mortgage
Jul 15, 2020 | Credit
In addition to income and assets, your credit profile is one of the biggest factors in determining whether you qualify for a mortgage. If your credit score is not currently in a desirable range, there are plenty of ways you can improve it to up your chanc
Jun 24, 2020 | Credit
If you are one of the 22 million Americans who have filed for coronavirus-related unemployment in the past few weeks, you may also be wondering if you are going to be able to make your mortgage payments. If your income has vanished or been reduced due to
Apr 22, 2020 | Mortgage Advice Credit